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Computer Science


Official Name of Program

Computer Science

Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

BS - Bachelor of Science



NYSED Program Code

28004 - COMPSCI-BS

CIP Code


Our mission is to provide students the opportunity to learn about both the applied and theoretical aspects of computer science in order that they be able to apply this knowledge to solve real world problems in an increasingly diverse, ever-changing, and technology-driven world. In particular, students majoring in Computer Science will learn basic and advanced programming; design and analysis of computer algorithms and computer hardware; the mathematical theory of languages and their application to the design of computer languages; management of large software projects; and how computer operating systems work. Students may choose to work individually or in collaboration with peers and guided by faculty on projects that strengthen their academic preparation and to showcase their work at the college and beyond. It is our goal that students' initial interest in computer science be nurtured and developed to its full potential so that upon graduation they may successfully undertake graduate work or enter the workforce as computer professionals in areas such as computer systems analysts, software developers, systems programmers, scientific/engineering applications programmers, or any in a list of ever-expanding technology-focused careers.

Computer Science Program Goals

  • Prepare students to be able to demonstrate understanding and competency in the theoretical aspects of computer science, software engineering and digital technology.

  • Prepare students to be able to demonstrate understanding and competency in the system aspects of computer science including computational thinking and problem-solving skills.

  • Prepare students to be able to demonstrate understanding and competency in the practical applications of computers, computer technology and innovative digital technology.
