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Course Policies

Full-Time Status

The normal number of credits for a full-time student is 12 credits. However, 15 credits are recommended so that a student may graduate within 4 years. The maximum number of credits that a student may register for is 18. A student who wishes to register for more than 18 credits must appeal for excess credits from the Committee on Academic Policy and Standards (CAPS). A student on probation must appeal for readmission through CAPS and may register for a maximum of 14 credits, or the number of credits stipulated by CAPS.

Procedures for Change of Schedule and Course Withdrawal(s)

During the first week of class(es), a student may drop, add or swap sections of the same course by logging onto their CUNYfirst account and going to Schedule Builder. Any such changes will incur a program change fee and/or applicable tuition fee. The program change fee is $18.00 for each day in which a course(s) is added.

During the second and third weeks of class(es), a student may withdraw from a course(s) by logging onto their CUNYfirst account and going to Schedule Builder. Withdrawals during these first three weeks will not appear on the student's transcript, but the student may be liable for tuition and fees.

Students may withdraw from course(s) during the fourth week through to the tenth week of class(es) by logging onto their CUNYfirst account and going to Schedule Builder. This action will be recorded on the student's transcript with a grade of "W", in accordance with CUNY's regulations. There is no fee for withdrawals (although students may be liable for tuition and all applicable fees). Students needing further assistance can log on to the Office of the Registrar virtual office or stop by the Office of the Registrar during operating hours.

Auditing of Course(s)

Students may take a course(s) not for credit, but will be charged regular tuition and fees for the course(s). Senior citizens are able to take undergraduate course(s) for a fee of $65 plus $15 for consolidated service and technology fee, this fee is per semester or session. All audited courses will receive an irreversible grade of “AUD”.

To Audit:

  • Register for the course(s) during the regular registration period (refer to York College Academic Calendar for dates). Students who take course(s) and receive an "AUD" grade cannot retake the course(s) again to satisfy a program requirement.

  • Complete and sign the Audit application located on the Office of the Registrar homepage. The form must be uploaded along with a valid Photo ID to the Office of the Registrar secure portal.

Independent Study Course(s)

Course(s) offered as Independent Study are limited to York College students only. The number of Independent Study credits a student may register for will be limited to three credits in any given semester, with the exception of the Political Science and Psychology programs, where six credits may be taken to satisfy the requirements of an internship. In special circumstances, permission for a waiver of this limitation may be granted by the department chairperson. Independent Study courses may only be taken by students in good standing.

Academic Participation in a Course

Students are expected to participate at each class session. An instructor may at any time require that a student account for non-participation by giving a personal explanation. Any student who has been excessively not participating in a course and does not present adequate documentation to the instructor, may receive the grade of “WU” (unofficially withdrew).

Instructors will be required to complete Verification of Enrollment (VOE) rosters for their course(s), indicating if students have never participated in the course. Any student noted as never participating will receive a grade of WN on their record. The WN grade is non-punitive and does not appear on the student’s transcript. Course(s) with WN grade will not be counted toward Financial Aid eligibility and may result in loss of aid. However, a student receiving a WN grade may still be liable for tuition and fees.

Non-participation in a Course Due to Religious Observation

Students who will miss any class session(s), exam(s), presentation(s), trip(s), or the like, due to a religious observance, should notify the instructor at the beginning of the semester or session. That way the instructor can implement appropriate adjustments for observance needs. This could include an opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirement that is missed, because of an absence, due to a religious observance on any particular day(s). Provision is made for unavoidable absence due to illness or authorized conferences by permitting two absences in a fifteen-session course, or four absences in a thirty-session course.

Make-Up Examination(s)

Make-up examinations are final examinations taken at a time other than the formally scheduled time. Only students with a bona fide reason to take a make- up examination will be permitted to do so. Such permission may be granted only by the department chairperson or representative, and not by the instructor.

A student who missed the final examination and has received permission to take a "make-up final" must do so within one semester, even if not enrolled, but early enough to enable the instructor to submit a grade by the last day of classes. There is a $15.00 fee for the first examination, $5.00 for each additional examination.