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Public Safety

Office of Public Safety

Academic Core Building, Room 1M02

To report an incident, please call or visit the Public Safety Office.

Established in 1991, the CUNY Public Safety Department was created to ensure that those who attend any of CUNY’s 25 institutions do so in a safe and comfortable environment. CUNY Public Safety Officers are sworn Peace Officers with authority granted by the City of New York. They are designated as New York State Peace Officers in accordance with Section 2.10, subsection 27 of the New York State Criminal Procedure Law.

At York College, the members of the Office of Public Safety strive to serve the York community with professionalism, integrity, and compassion, emphasizing the importance of building trust and legitimacy between CUNY Public Safety and our campus community. The campus is monitored 24/7, 365 days a year.

Campus Peace Officers (CPOs) Officers undergo approximately five months of rigorous training at The CUNY Public Safety Training Academy, covering a wide range of topics, including first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), life safety, and how to effectively handle situations that may occur on a college campus and in the surrounding community. CPOs can be recognized by their navy-blue uniforms.

Campus Security Assistants (CSA) are employed as security guards in accordance with Article 7A of the General Business Law. CSAs do not have arrest authority above that of a private citizen. Their primary duties include observing, reporting, and preventing criminal activity while helping to create a welcoming environment for our campus community members. They can be identified by their light blue uniform shirts.

All York College Department of Public Safety personnel wear distinctive uniforms and carry two-way radios. Additionally, York College has a New York State Certified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) to assist with medical emergencies. All Public Safety personnel are trained in first aid, CPR, and other emergency response procedures to ensure the safety and well-being of the college community.

Campus Peace Officers ensure compliance with federal, state, and local laws, as well as University policies and procedures. Although Campus Peace officers are not NYPD police officers, they have Law Enforcement powers on all CUNY campuses and within the State of New York. This allows officers to make arrests and search and seize evidence in connection if a crime is committed in their presence or if reasonable grounds exist that a felony has been committed by the person being arrested. The York College Public Safety Department maintains a strong working relationship with the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and other local, state, and federal authorities.

Our officers are not only dedicated to safety but also to education and community engagement. They provide workshops and training sessions for the college community on topics such as personal safety, emergency preparedness, and crime prevention. Many members of the department are York College alumni or CUNY graduates, bringing a personal commitment to the safety and success of the community they serve.

Campus Access

During business hours, all individuals entering the campus must sign-in and have legitimate campus business. Students must present a valid student ID, either virtual or card. Students from other CUNY campuses who wish to use the Library must present a current valid CUNY ID and sign-in as visitors.

No access is permitted after business hours (approximately 11:30 PM). Only staff and faculty, with permission from their Chairs or department heads, are allowed on campus after closing. No students will be permitted once the campus is closed unless they have express written special permission from the Chair of a department and approval from the Director of Public Safety or their designee.


To access the campus premises, all visitors are required to provide a valid photo identification and demonstrate an official purpose for their presence at the college upon registering with Public Safety. It is mandatory for visitors to retain their guest pass, if provided to them, throughout their visit and to be prepared to present it upon the request of any college official.

Persona Non-Grata Guidelines

The college has the right to restrict campus access to visitors (non-students and non-employees) whose conduct violates York College or CUNY rules, policies, or applicable New York State Law. This restriction may include revoking identification cards and implementing other access limitations. Any member of the campus community who violates the Henderson rules or campus code of conduct may be reported to Student Affairs, the Provost, or the appropriate department director. Unauthorized individuals who trespass, force their way or unlawfully remain on campus property may face arrest. Visitors are not allowed to enter or remain on campus for the purpose of recording officials or college facilities without express written consent from the College President or their designee. Filming in office areas, unless it is part of a college-sanctioned activity or conducive to college business, is not authorized and may violate FERPA.

Commendations, Complaints, and Information

Complaints and requests for information concerning Public Safety services should be made to Chief James Assmann, the Director of Public Safety, at: Citizen Commendations, Complaints, & Reports - Public Safety - York College (

Reporting a Crime

All crimes against persons and property should be reported as soon as possible to the Office of Public Safety. Incidents can be reported in person at the Public Safety office, by phone, or to any uniformed officer on campus. The Office of Public Safety will assist in reporting crimes to the NYPD as necessary.

Even if you do not wish to pursue action with the college or criminal justice system, please make a confidential report to the Public Safety Office. This helps keep an accurate record of incidents, determine crime patterns, redeploy security officers as needed, and alert the campus community to potential dangers.

We strive to serve York College with professionalism, integrity, and compassion, emphasizing the importance of building and maintaining trust and legitimacy between CUNY Public Safety and our campus community.

Please be advised that Public Safety Officers are considered a Campus Security Authority, meaning they are required to report and share major incidents conveyed to them, including crimes or issues that are sensitive in nature, such as sexual harassment or misconduct.


During an evacuation, locate the nearest safest exit and leave the premises quickly and calmly. Each campus building has designated areas of assembly for disabled persons for evacuation in an emergency situation.

Techniques for evacuating disabled persons vary with the nature of the disability. If a person with a disability cannot evacuate, they should be moved to a designated enclosed fire stairwell that is a good distance away from the hazard.

Evacuation Assembly Areas for Disabled Persons

Designated disabled emergency evacuation areas have been established and are clearly marked "Evacuation Assembly Area" in the following locations:

Academic Core Building:

  • Lower Level - LB Corridor Inside Stair #7 and LF Corridor Inside Stair #4

  • 1st Floor - 1D Corridor in Front of Cafeteria (Handicap Ramp Situated at Liberty Ave entrance/exit on 1st floors)

  • 2nd Floor - 2D Corridor in Stairwell #2

  • 3rd Floor - 3D Corridor Next to Stair #2, 3F Corridor Next to Stair #3 and Inside of Library Next to Stair #9. 3H Corridor next to Stair #11

  • 4th Floor - 4F Corridor Next to Stair #3 and 4M Corridor Next to Stair #8

Classroom Building:

  • Stairway adjacent to the elevator

Science Building:

  • Stairway adjacent to the elevator

  • Lower Level Exit to Evans Road

HPE Building:

  • Lower Level Exit to South Field

Public Safety maintains class schedules and office locations of all disabled students who may require assistance when evacuating. Public Safety Officers will check these locations along with the "Disabled Staging Area" during evacuations.

Emergency Response Guide

An Emergency Response Guide has been designed to provide essential information on what you should do and whom you should immediately contact when confronted with different emergencies, both natural and man-made, that could happen in a campus setting. For more detailed information, please visit the Emergency Response Guide on the York College website Public Safety - York College (


For information about on-campus parking, please visit the Public Safety webpage.