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Writing Intensive Course Requirements

Writing intensive courses are content courses in a specific discipline which require significant amounts of writing, and focus on the genres and the writing process appropriate to the subject, including opportunities for revision.

  • In order to graduate, students who began their studies at York College and students who transfer to York without a prior A.A., A.S., or Bachelor's degree must complete 3 courses designated as Writing Intensive (WI). At least one of these WI courses must be at the 300 level or above and in the student's major.

  • All major programs require at least one WI course at the 300-level or above, to support students’ completion of this graduation requirement.

  • Students who transfer to York will be responsible for fulfilling all Writing Intensive course requirements for graduation. Students may transfer up to two Writing Intensive courses to fulfill this requirement. Transfer students should consult with an advisor about the number of WI courses required for graduation.