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Official Name of Program


Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

BS - Bachelor of Science



NYSED Program Code

02928 - PHYSICS-BS

CIP Code


Physics is the study of the matter and interactions that shape the universe and determine the properties and behavior of the natural world.

The physics program prepares majors for graduate study in physics or astronomy, as well as engineering. In particular, the pre-engineering track within physics prepares students for transfer to advanced undergraduate standing in engineering at City College, CUNY. The problem-solving skills physics degree recipients acquire also qualifies them for a variety of careers in industry including finance. We aim to ensure that students develop the skills and background to master the underlying physical principles of their discipline.

The physics discipline dedicates itself to making accessible a rigorous, high quality science education to a culturally and ethnically diverse population with widely varying degrees of science proficiency and preparation. We proudly provide research experiences for undergraduate physics majors through programs sponsored by the DOE, DOD, NSF, NASA, and other Federal, State, and City agencies.

Students interested in majoring in physics or pre-engineering should take Univ. Physics I (Physics 117 and 113) and its corequisite Calculus I (Math 121) as early as possible in their studies. Please come to the Dept. of Earth and Physical Sciences in Room 2F09 for proper advisement.
