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Gerontological Studies and Services


Official Name of Program

Gerontological Studies and Services

Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

BS - Bachelor of Science



NYSED Program Code

80346 - GERONT-BS

CIP Code



The Gerontological Studies and Services degree program is an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental program that provides an opportunity for students to develop a compassionate and constructive view of older adults and the processes and challenges of aging. It prepares students to assume leadership positions in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of geriatric health education programs and the delivery of services to older adults and their families. Graduates of this program will be prepared to continue their education at the graduate level, or to enter employment in their chosen field.

Program Goals

  1. Utilize gerontological frameworks to examine human development and aging.

  2. Relate biological theory and science to understanding senescence, longevity and variation in aging.

  3. Relate social theories and science of aging to understanding heterogeneity and inequality in the context of aging.

  4. Distinguish factors related to aging outcomes, both intrinsic and contextual, through critical thinking and empirical research.

Learning Objectives and Competencies

  1. To demonstrate knowledge of aging processes and adult growth and development.

  2. To assess and prioritize the health, psycho-social, environmental, and program needs of community-based older adults.

  3. To interpret policies and procedures of entitlement and need-based programs for older adults.

  4. To demonstrate culturally-responsive communication and helping skills.

  5. To plan effective gerontological health-education programs.

  6. To implement gerontological health-education interventions.

  7. To assess the effectiveness of educational and other programs serving the needs of older adults and their families.

  8. To effectively communicate with and advocate on behalf of older adults.

  9. To demonstrate reflective professional development.

This interdisciplinary program of study provides an opportunity for students to develop a compassionate and constructive view of older adults and the process and problems of aging. Graduates of this program will be prepared to continue their education at the graduate level, or to enter employment in their chosen field. The Field Work component permit students the opportunity to experience first-hand the realities of working will well and frail elderly in the field of Gerontological studies and services.
