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Environmental Health Science


Official Name of Program

Environmental Health Science

Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

BS - Bachelor of Science



NYSED Program Code

02920 - ENVHLTH-BS

CIP Code


The Environmental Health Science Program is designed for students with a special interest in improving the quality of man's physical environment.

Students will be prepared for careers in industrial, governmental, health care, urban affairs, and educational agencies concerned with environmental health, occupational health, public health, and community interaction.

As professional technologists students will be prepared to assist in the conduct of comprehensive environmental control programs. They will have acquired skills in laboratory and field procedures from the analysis of water, food and air pollutants.

Those satisfactorily completing the program may seek certification by continuing their studies at the graduate level. The program includes general and specialized components with a field study requirement only in the latter cases. Consequently, students may elect the General Program (no field study) or specialize by electing a concentration in either public health, industrial, or hospital environmental studies (with field study).

Field Study Centers - Environmental Health Science

  • Booth Memorial Hospital Infectious Disease Control

  • Dept. of Water Resources Bureau of Water Pollution Control

  • New York City Department of Environmental Protection

  • New York City Transit Authority

  • Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company

  • Dept. of Industrial Safety, Nassau County Department of Health

  • Nassau County Medical Center

Professional Services

  • New York City Department of Health Academy

  • New York City Department of Air Resources - Environmental Impact Analysis and Review

  • Queens Hospital Center Clinical Campus

  • United States Department of Labor Div. of Occupational Safety and Health
