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Official Name of Program


Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

BS - Bachelor of Science



NYSED Program Code

35584 - BIO-BS

CIP Code


The Biology Department at York College strives to prepare our students as passionate and critical scientists and provide them with the opportunity to explore the science of life, within the tradition of the liberal arts. Our program will help them develop critical-thinking, problem-solving and technical skills necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing world as they pursue exciting careers in the biological sciences. We also believe that research is a cornerstone of active learning and our students will be provided with the opportunity to participate in various research activities throughout their studies. They will develop abilities to acquire and critically interpret relevant information from reliable sources, to formulate scientific arguments, to master important laboratory techniques and statistical methods used in modern research, and to engage and communicate with the scientific community. We also seek to develop a transformative, experiential learning environment which fosters multi- cultural and ethical values helping our students to become competent, competitive leaders who will have a great impact in the global scientific community. We offer two programs of study, Biology (B.S. and B.A) and Biotechnology (B.S). B.A. in Biology will allow students to get a Biology degree with a more extensive exposure to liberal arts than B.S. In addition, the Biology Department and Teacher Education Program together offer a Secondary Education Certification Program in Biology.

B.S. with Honors in Biology

Eligibility. Biology 202 and one 300 level Biology course; a 3.0 average in all Biology courses. Approval by the Honors Committee of the Biology Department.

Requirements for Graduation with Honors:

  1. Successful completion of the Biology Major DepartmentRequirements with a 3.0 average in all Biology courses.

  2. Successful completion of 6 credits of Biology 490-493, which will include independent research under the guidance of faculty members and the presentation and approval of a thesis by the Honors Committee of the Biology Department.

  3. Certification by the Honors Committee of the Biology Department.
